Recipes Program list:

NOTE: This will make two loave of bread using a 9 inch bread pan. Can also be used to make a bunch of rolls. The stiring/mixing/kneading is done by a bread maker with a 2.5-3Lb capacity. The cooking of the bread is done in an oven. You can cook the bread in the bread maker, but you will have to reduce the ingrediant quantities so it doesn't rise to the top of the bread maker while cooking.
  • Measuring cups/spoons
  • Bread Maker - The we have is: Bread MakerThe only reason I mention it is to poin out is a 3 Lbs bread maker. The first one we got was a 1.5-2lbs version. Enough for a single loaf with left over dough that I didn't use for anything... Hence the larger size. It makes 2 loaves, no remainders :-) If you have a 1-1.5 or 1.5-2, just cut the recipe in half
  • 2 9" Bread pans, 2 cooke sheets or some combination thereof
  • Avacado Cooking Spray - I guess you could use PAM
  • John Rosenquist